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訳By 松本直樹
(ウェブページ掲載: 2002年6月9日)



certiorari to the united states court of appeals for the federal circuit

No. 001543. Argued January 8, 2002 Decided May 28, 2002

 Petitioner Festo Corporation owns two patents for an industrial device. When the patent examiner rejected the initial application for the first patent because of defects in description, 35 U.S. C. 112, the application was amended to add the new limitations that the device would contain a pair of one-way sealing rings and that its outer sleeve would be made of a magnetizable material. The second patent was also amended during a reexamination proceeding to add the sealing rings limitation . After Festo began selling its device, respondents (hereinafter SMC) entered the market with a similar device that uses one two-way sealing ring and a nonmagnetizable sleeve . Festo filed suit, claiming that SMCs device is so similar that it infringes Festos patents under the doctrine of equivalents. The District Court ruled for Festo, rejecting SMCs argument that the prosecution history estopped Festo from saying that SMCs device is equivalent . A Federal Circuit panel initially affirmed, but this Court granted certiorari, vacated, and remanded in light of Warner-Jenkinson Co. v. Hilton Davis Chemical Co., 520 U.S. 17, 29, which had acknowledged that competitors may rely on the prosecution history to estop the patentee from recapturing subject matter surrendered by amendment as a condition of obtaining the patent. On remand, the en banc Federal Circuit reversed, holding that prosecution history estoppel applied. The court ruled that estoppel arises from any amendment that narrows a claim to comply with the Patent Act, not only from amendments made to avoid the prior art, as the District Court had held. The Federal Circuit also held that, when estoppel applies, it bars any claim of equivalence for the element that was amended. The court acknowledged that, under its prior cases, prosecution history estoppel constituted a flexible bar, foreclosing some, but not all, claims of equivalence, depending on the purpose of the amendment and the alterations in the text. However, the court overruled its precedents on the ground that their case-by-case approach had proved unworkable.

 請願者Festo社は、産業部品のための2つの特許の権利者である。特許審査官が第1特許のための最初の出願を 35 USC 112 に基づいて拒絶したときに、同出願は補正されて、デバイスは一組の一方向シーリング・リングを含む、そして、その外側のスリーブは磁性の材料で作られる、との新しい制限が付け加えられた。第2の特許についても、再審査の際に補正されて、シーリング・リングについての制限が付け加えられた。Festoがその装置を売り始めた後で、応答者(以下SMC)は、1つの双方向シーリング・リングと非磁性(nonmagnetizable)スリーブを使うよく似た装置をもって市場に参入した。SMCの装置がよく似ていて均等論のもとでFestoの両特許を侵害すると主張して、Festoは訴訟を起こした。地方裁判所は、出願経過禁反言によりSMCの装置が均等と主張することをFestoは禁じられる、とのSMCの主張を否定して、フェストを支持する判決をくだした。CAFCのパネルは最初には同判決を支持したが、当裁判所はサーシオラリーを認めてこれを破棄し、Warner-Jenkinson Co. v. Hilton Davis Chemical Co., 520 U.S. 17, 29, にしたがって再審理するように差し戻した。同判例は、特許を得るための条件としてなされた補正によって放棄された対象を、再び特許権者が獲得することは出願経過禁反言によって禁じられると競合者が依拠し得ることを認めたものである。差戻審でCAFCの en bancは、原判決を破棄して、出願経過禁反言が適用されるとした。同裁判所は、禁反言が適用されるのは、特許法に従うためにクレームを狭めた補正であればどんなものについても当てはまるものであり、地方裁判所が結論したような従来技術を回避するための補正に限られない、とした。CAFCはまた、禁反言が適用される場合には、補正された要素(element)のいかなる均等主張も禁止される、とした。同裁判所は、自身のそれまでの裁判例では、出願経過禁反言はフレキシブルな阻却(flexible bar)をもたらすものであって、文言の変更と補正の目的によって一定の均等主張を排斥するがすべてを否定するわけではないとしてきたことを認めた。しかし同裁判所は、彼らのケース・バイ・ケースのアプローチが機能しないことがわかったという理由で、その先例を覆した。

Held: Prosecution history estoppel may apply to any claim amendment made to satisfy the Patent Acts requirements, not just to amendments made to avoid the prior art, but estoppel need not bar suit against every equivalent to the amended claim element. Pp.517.

判旨: 出願経過禁反言は、特許法の要求を満たすためになされたいかなるクレームの補正に対しても適用されるものであり、先行技術を回避するための補正に限られるものではない、しかし、禁反言は、補正クレーム要素についての均等主張をすべて排斥するとは限らない。Pp.517。

(a) To enable a patent holder to know what he owns, and the public to know what he does not, the inventor must describe his work in full, clear, concise, and exact terms. 112. However, patent claim language may not describe with complete precision the range of an inventions novelty. If patents were always interpreted by their literal terms, their value would be greatly diminished. Insubstantial substitutes for certain elements could defeat the patent, and its value to inventors could be destroyed by simple acts of copying. Thus, a patents scope is not limited to its literal terms, but embraces all equivalents to the claims described. See Winans v. Denmead, 15 How. 330, 347. Nevertheless, because it may be difficult to determine what is, or is not, an equivalent, competitors may be deterred from engaging in legitimate manufactures outside the patents limits, or lulled into developing competing products that the patent secures, thereby prompting wasteful litigation. Each time the Court has considered the doctrine of equivalents, it has acknowledged this uncertainty as the price of ensuring the appropriate incentives for innovation, and it has affirmed the doctrine over dissents that urged a more certain rule. See, e.g., id., at 343, 347. Most recently, Warner-Jenkinson, supra, at 28, reaffirmed the doctrine. Pp.58.

(a) 特許権者に彼が何を所有するかを知らせるべく、また公衆に彼が何を所有しないかを知らせるべく、発明者は、十全な、はっきりした、簡潔な、そして正確な用語(or 限界付け、exact terms)で、彼の仕事について述べなくてはいけない。112。しかし、特許クレームの言語は、完全な精密さをもって発明の新規の幅を表さないこともあり得る。もし特許がその文言の限度でいつも解釈されたら、その価値は大いに減らされるだろう。どれかの要素の非実質的な代替によって特許権を台なしにし得ることになり、また、発明者にとっての特許の価値は、単純なコピー行為によって破壊されることになるだろう。したがって、特許の範囲は、その文言の限度に制限されず、記載されたクレームの均等物すべてに及ぶのである。Winans v. Denmead, 15 How. 330, 347 参照。それにも関らず、何が均等であり、また何がそうでないかを決することが難しいかもしれないので、競争相手は、特許の外の合法的な製造に従事することから思いとどまらせられるかもしれないし、または誤って特許権の独占する競合品を開発しようとして無益な訴訟に巻き込まれることになってしまうかも知れない。当裁判所は、均等論を熟考するたびに、この不確実性は、革新のための適当なインセンティブを確実にすることの価格なのだと認めてきた。そして、より定かなルールを提言する反対意見を否定して、均等論を確認してきた。例えば、同前 at 343, 347 を見よ。最も最近、Warner-Jenkinson、at 28 で、均等論を再確認した。Pp.58。

(b) Prosecution history estoppel requires that patent claims be interpreted in light of the proceedings before the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO). When the patentee originally claimed the subject matter alleged to infringe but then narrowed the claim in response to a rejection, he may not argue that the surrendered territory comprised an unforeseen equivalent. See Exhibit Supply Co. v. Ace Patents Corp., 315 U.S. 126, 136137. The rejection indicates that the patent examiner does not believe the original claim could be patented. While the patentee has the right to appeal, his decision to forgo an appeal and submit an amended claim is taken as a concession that the invention as patented does not reach as far as the original claim. See, e.g., Goodyear Dental Vulcanite Co. v. Davis, 102 U.S. 222, 228. Were it otherwise, the inventor might avoid the PTOs gatekeeping role and seek to recapture in an infringement action the very subject matter surrendered as a condition of receiving the patent. Pp.89.

(b) 出願経過禁反言は、特許クレームが、PTOでの手続に照らして解釈されることを求める。特許権所有者が、侵害と申し立てられている対象を、当初はクレームしてしかし拒絶に応えてその時にクレームを狭くしたという場合には、特許権者は、引き渡した領土が予期しない均等を包含したと主張することは許されない。Exhibit Supply Co. v. Ace Patents Corp., 315 U.S. 126, 136 137参照。拒絶は、特許審査官が元のクレームが特許されるものと考えなかったことを示す。特許権所有者は上訴する権利があるのに、それを断念してクレームを改める決定をしたのであるから、その決定は、特許された発明は元のクレームが及ぶまでのものではないことを認める譲歩と取られる。例えば、Goodyear Dental Vulcanite Co. v. Davis, 102 U.S. 222, 228 を見よ。そうでないなら、発明者は、PTOの門番(gatekeeping)の役割を回避して、特許を受けることの条件として引き渡した対象を侵害訴訟の場面で奪い返すことが出来ることになってしまう。Pp.89。

(c) Prosecution history estoppel is not limited to amendments intended to narrow the patented inventions subject matter, e.g., to avoid prior art, but may apply to a narrowing amendment made to satisfy any Patent Act requirement, including 112s requirements concerning the patent applications form. In Warner-Jenkinson, the Court made clear that estoppel applies to amendments made for a substantial reason related to patentability, 520 U.S., , but did not purport to catalog every reason that might raise an estoppel. Indeed, it stated that even if the amendments purpose were unrelated to patentability, the court might consider whether it was the kind of reason that nonetheless might require estoppel. Id., at 4041. Simply because estoppel has been discussed most often in the context of amendments made to avoid the prior art, see, e.g., id., at 30, it does not follow that amendments made for other purposes will not give rise to estoppel. Section 112 requires that the application describe, enable, and set forth the best mode of carrying out the invention. The patent should not issue if these requirements are not satisfied, and an applicants failure to meet them could lead to the issued patent being held invalid in later litigation. Festos argument that amendments made to comply with 112 concern the applications form and not the inventions subject matter conflates the patentees reason for making the amendment with the impact the amendment has on the subject matter. Estoppel arises when an amendment is made to secure the patent and the amendment narrows the patents scope. If a 112 amendment is truly cosmetic, it would not narrow the patents scope or raise an estoppel. But if a 112 amendment is necessary and narrows the patents scopeeven if only for better descriptionestoppel may apply. Pp.1012.

(c) 出願経過禁反言は、例えば先行技術を回避するために、特許発明の対象を狭くすることを目的とした補正に限られるものではない。むしろ、特許出願のフォームに関する112条の要求を含む、特許法の何らかの要求を満足するための減縮補正に当てはまり得る。Warner-Jenkinsonで、当裁判所は、禁反言が特許性に関する実質的な理由のためになされた補正に適用されることを明らかにした、520 U.S., at 33、しかしそれが禁反言を来すだろうすべての理由をカタログとして載せることはしなかった。実際、当裁判所は、たとえ補正の目的が特許性に関係がなかったとしても、裁判所は、それでもその種の理由がなお禁反言を必要とするものかどうかを検討するであろう、と述べた。同前 at 4041。単に、禁反言が最もしばしば議論されるのは、先行技術を避けるための補正の文脈においてであるためである、例えば同前 at 30 を見よ、他の目的のためになされた補正が禁反言を引き起こさないだろうということを意味しない。112条は、出願は、発明を実施する最も良い形態(best mode)を述べて、可能にして、そして表現することが必要だとする。もしこれらの要求が満たされなければ、特許は認められない、そして、出願人がそれに失敗したなら、後の訴訟で特許は無効とされるかもしれない。112条に応じるための補正は、出願のフォームに関するもので、発明対象に関係しない、とするFestoの議論は、補正をするについての出願人の理由と、補正の持つ対象への影響とを混同するものである。補正が特許を確保するためになされたもので、その補正が特許の範囲(patent's scope)を狭めるものであれば、禁反言は生じる。もし112条の補正が本当にお化粧(cosmetic)にすぎないなら、それは、特許の範囲を狭くするものではなく、また禁反言を生じないだろう。しかし、112条補正が必要であって、そして特許の範囲を狭くするのならば、たとえより良い表現(description)のためのみのものとしても、禁反言が適合し得る。Pp.1012。

(d) Prosecution history estoppel does not bar the inventor from asserting infringement against every equivalent to the narrowed element. Though estoppel can bar challenges to a wide range of equivalents, its reach requires an examination of the subject matter surrendered by the narrowing amendment. The Federal Circuits complete bar rule is inconsistent with the purpose of applying the estoppel in the first place to hold the inventor to the representations made during the application process and the inferences that may be reasonably drawn from the amendment. By amending the application, the inventor is deemed to concede that the patent does not extend as far as the original claim, not that the amended claim is so perfect in its description that no one could devise an equivalent. The Courts view is consistent with precedent and PTO practice . The Court has consistently applied the doctrine in a flexible way, considering what equivalents were surrendered during a patents prosecution, rather than imposing a complete bar that resorts to the very literalism the equivalent's rule is designed to overcome. E.g., Goodyear Dental Vulcanite Co. v. Davis, 102 U.S. 222, 230. The Federal Circuit ignored Warner-Jenkinson's instruction that courts must be cautious before adopting changes that disrupt the settled expectations of the inventing community. See 520 U.S., at 28. Inventors who amended their claims under the previous case law had no reason to believe they were conceding all equivalents. Had they known, they might have appealed the rejection instead. Warner-Jenkinson struck the appropriate balance by placing the burden on the patentee to prove that an amendment was not made for a reason that would give rise to estoppel. Id., at 33. Similarly, the patentee should bear the burden of showing that the amendment does not surrender the particular equivalent in question. As the author of the claim language, his decision to narrow his claims through amendment may be presumed to be a general disclaimer of the territory between the original claim and the amended claim. Exhibit Supply, supra, at 136137. However, in cases in which the amendment cannot reasonably be viewed as surrendering a particular equivalente.g., where the equivalent was unforeseeable at the time of the application or the rationale underlying the amendment bears but a tangential relation to the equivalentthe patentee can rebut the presumption that prosecution history estoppel bars a finding of equivalence by showing that at the time of the amendment one skilled in the art could not reasonably be expected to have drafted a claim that would have literally encompassed the alleged equivalent. Pp.1216.

(d) 出願経過禁反言は、必ずしも、狭くされた要素へのあらゆる均等に対して発明者が侵害を主張するのを妨げない。禁反言は広い範囲の均等への挑戦を禁止することができるものではあるが、その範囲を決めるには、減縮補正によって引き渡した対象が何なのかの検討を必要とする。CAFCの完全阻却ルール(complete bar rule)は、まず第一に、発明者を出願経過の間にした表明(representation)と、補正から合理的に引き出され得る推測とに押し込めるという点で、禁反言を適用することの目的と整合的でない。出願を補正することによって、発明者は、特許権は元のクレームほどには及ばないと主張していると見なされるが、しかし、改められたクレームが、誰も均等が考えられないほどにその記述が完全であると主張していると見なされるべきものではない。当裁判所の見解は、先例とPTOの実務と整合的である。当裁判所は、いつも、均等を融通がきく方法で適用してきた。完全阻却(complete bar)は、均等ルールが克服する目的としている文言主義(literalism)にまさに依拠するものであり、そうしたものを課すのではなく、むしろ、特許出願の間にいかなる均等が引き渡されたのかを検討してきた。例えば、Goodyear Dental Vulcanite Co. v. Davis, 102 U.S. 222, 230。CAFCは、裁判所は、発明者のコミュニティにおける、確立した予期を混乱させる変化を採用する前には用心ぶかくなくてはいけない、とのWarner-Jenkinson の指示を無視した。520 U.S., at 28 を見よ。前の判例法のもとで彼らのクレームを改めた発明者は、彼らがすべての均等を譲ったものと信ずるべきいかなる理由も持っていなかった。彼らがそう知っていたなら、彼らは、代わりに拒絶に対して上訴したかもしれない。Warner-Jenkinsonは、禁反言を引き起こす理由で補正がなされたものではないことを証明する責任を特許権所有者に負わせることで、適切なバランスをもたらした。同前 33。同様に、特許権所有者は、補正によって問題となっているその特定の均等が放棄されたものではないことを示す責任を負うべきである。クレーム言語の著者として、補正によって彼のクレームを狭くする彼の決定は、元のクレームと補正後のクレームの間の領土の一般的な否認(general disclaimer)だと推定され得るものである。136, 137。しかし、補正が特定の均等を引き渡したものと見ることが合理的にできない場合には、たとえばその均等が出願時に予見不能の場合や、補正の根拠(rationale)がその均等とほんの僅かな(tangential)関係しか有しないという場合には、出願経過禁反言が均等の事実認定を否定する(bars)という推定に対して、その補正の時点で当該技術の熟練者(one skilled in the art)が、問題となっている均等物を文言どおりで含む(encompass)クレームをドラフトすることが合理的に期待され得なかったことを示すことで、反論することができる。Pp.1216。

(e) Whether Festo has rebutted the presumptions that estoppel applies and that the equivalents at issue have been surrendered should be determined in the first instance by further proceedings below. Pp.1617.

(e) Festoが、禁反言が適合するとの推定に対して反論したかどうか、および、問題となっている均等物が引き渡されたものであるとの推定に対して反論したかどうか、が、下級審でのさらなる手続によって第一に決められるべきものである。Pp.1617。

234 F.3d 558, vacated and remanded.
234 F.3d 558, 破棄差戻。

Kennedy, J., delivered the opinion for a unanimous Court.



on writ of certiorari to the united states court of
appeals for the federal circuit
連邦巡回区裁判所へのwrit of certiorariについて

[May 28, 2002]


Justice Kennedy delivered the opinion of the Court.

This case requires us to address once again the relation between two patent law concepts, the doctrine of equivalents and the rule of prosecution history estoppel. The Court considered the same concepts in Warner-Jenkinson Co. v. Hilton Davis Chemical Co., 520 U.S. 17 (1997), and reaffirmed that a patent protects its holder against efforts of copyists to evade liability for infringement by making only insubstantial changes to a patented invention. At the same time, we appreciated that by extending protection beyond the literal terms in a patent the doctrine of equivalents can create substantial uncertainty about where the patent monopoly ends. Id., at 29. If the range of equivalents is unclear, competitors may be unable to determine what is a permitted alternative to a patented invention and what is an infringing equivalent.

 この事例は、我々にもう一度、2つの特許法律概念、均等論と出願経過禁反言の命令、の相互関係を述べるように要求する。当裁判所は、Warner-Jenkinson Co. v. Hilton Davis Chemical Co., 520 U.S. 17 (1997)で同じ概念を検討した。 そして、特許は、特許された発明への単に実体がない変化を作るだけで侵害責任を免れようとする模倣者の努力に対して、特許権者を守るものであることを再確認した。同時に我々は、特許は文言定義(literal terms)を越えて保護を広げることによって、均等論が特許の独占が終わるところについて実質的な不確実性を作ることがあり得ることを認めた。同判例29。もし均等の幅がはっきりしなければ、競争相手は、何が特許をとられた発明の許された代わりか、および何が侵害している均等物かを決定することができないかもしれない。

To reduce the uncertainty, Warner-Jenkinson acknowledged that competitors may rely on the prosecution history, the public record of the patent proceedings. In some cases the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) may have rejected an earlier version of the patent application on the ground that a claim does not meet a statutory requirement for patentability. 35 U.S.C. 132 (1994 ed., Supp. V). When the patentee responds to the rejection by narrowing his claims, this prosecution history estops him from later arguing that the subject matter covered by the original, broader claim was nothing more than an equivalent. Competitors may rely on the estoppel to ensure that their own devices will not be found to infringe by equivalence.

 不確実性を削減するために、Warner-Jenkinsonは、競争相手が出願経過、すなわち特許の法的手続きの公の記録に依拠することを認めた。いくらかの人で特許をケースに入れると登録商標オフィス(PTO)要求が特許資格に対する法定の要求を満たさないという理由で特許申し込みの以前のバージョンを退けたかもしれない。35 U.S.C。132(1994年のed。Supp。Vネックシャツ)。特許権所有者が彼のクレームを狭くすることによって拒絶に応えるときに、この出願経過は、もっと遅い元の、より幅が広いクレームによってカバーされた主題が同等と同様だったということについて議論することから彼を禁反言で禁じる。競争相手は、同等によって侵害するために、彼ら自身の装置が見つけられないだろうということを確認するために、禁反言に頼るかもしれない。

In the decision now under review the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit held that by narrowing a claim to obtain a patent, the patentee surrenders all equivalents to the amended claim element. Petitioner asserts this holding departs from past precedent in two respects. First, it applies estoppel to every amendment made to satisfy the requirements of the Patent Act and not just to amendments made to avoid pre-emption by an earlier invention, i.e., the prior art. Second, it holds that when estoppel arises, it bars suit against every equivalent to the amended claim element. The Court of Appeals acknowledged that this holding departed from its own cases, which applied a flexible bar when considering what claims of equivalence were estopped by the prosecution history. Petitioner argues that by replacing the flexible bar with a complete bar the Court of Appeals cast doubt on many existing patents that were amended during the application process when the law, as it then stood, did not apply so rigorous a standard.


We granted certiorari to consider these questions.


Petitioner Festo Corporation owns two patents for an improved magnetic rodless cylinder, a piston-driven device that relies on magnets to move objects in a conveying system. The device has many industrial uses and has been employed in machinery as diverse as sewing equipment and the Thunder Mountain ride at Disney World. Although the precise details of the cylinders operation are not essential here, the prosecution history must be considered.

 請願者Festo会社は、改善された磁石の非武装のシリンダーのための2つの特許を所有する、動くために磁石に頼るピストン駆動の装置は、運んでいるシステムで反対する。装置は、多くの産業の使用をして、そして裁縫の道具ほどさまざまの機械とディズニーワールドのサンダー山乗ることに勤めている。シリンダー操作の正確な詳細がここで必須でないにもかかわらず、出願経過は(そうに)違いない 熟考された。

Petitioners patent applications, as often occurs, were amended during the prosecution proceedings. The application for the first patent, the Stoll Patent (U.S. Patent No. 4,354,125), was amended after the patent examiner rejected the initial application because the exact method of operation was unclear and some claims were made in an impermissible way. (They were multiply dependent.) 35 U.S.C. 112 (1994 ed.). The inventor, Dr. Stoll, submitted a new application designed to meet the examiners objections and also added certain references to prior art. 37 CFR 1.56 (2000). The second patent, the Carroll Patent (U.S. Patent No. 3,779,401), was also amended during a reexamination proceeding. The prior art references were added to this amended application as well. Both amended patents added a new limitationthat the inventions contain a pair of sealing rings, each having a lip on one side, which would prevent impurities from getting on the piston assembly. The amended Stoll Patent added the further limitation that the outer shell of the device, the sleeve, be made of a magnetizable material.

 請願者は、しばしば起こって、起訴法的手続きの間に改められたものとして、申し込みの特許をとる。最初の特許、ストール特許のための申し込み(U.S。特許のNo.4,354,125)、許すことができない方法で正確な生産活動方式は、はっきりしなく、そして、いくつかのクレームがされたので、特許審査官が最初の申し込みを退けた後で改められた。(彼らは多様に依存していた。)35 U.S.C。112(1994年のed。)。事前の芸術への参考に確信があるので、発明者、ストール博士、は、審査官反対に応じるようにデザインされた新しい申し込みを提出して、そしてまた付け加えた。37のCFR 1.56(2000)。第2の特許、キャロル特許(U.S。特許のNo.3,779,401)、進んで再検査の間にまた改められた。同様にこの改められた申し込みに加えられた事前の芸術参考。両方の改められた特許は、それぞれ唇に1に側につかせて、発明が一組のシーリングを含む新しいlimitationthatが鳴ると付け加えた、そして、それは不潔がピストン議会に加わるのを妨げるだろう。ストール特許がより遠く装置、スリーブの制限その外側の貝殻を加えた改められたこと、磁気を与えることができる資料で作られていよ。

After Festo began selling its rodless cylinder, respondents (whom we refer to as SMC) entered the market with a device similar, but not identical, to the ones disclosed by Festos patents. SMCs cylinder, rather than using two one-way sealing rings, employs a single sealing ring with a two-way lip. Furthermore, SMCs sleeve is made of a nonmagnetizable alloy. SMCs device does not fall within the literal claims of either patent, but petitioner contends that it is so similar that it infringes under the doctrine of equivalents.

 Festo の特許によってものに明らかにされて、Festoがその非武装のシリンダーを売り始めた後で、応答者は、(我々がSMCとして参照する)、装置がよく似た、しかし同一でない市場に参入した。SMCsシリンダーは、2つの一方向のシーリングをしているリングを使うよりは、双方向の唇でひとつのシーリングをしているリングを使う。なお、SMCsスリーブは、nonmagnetizable合金で作られている。SMCs装置は、どちらかの特許の文字のクレーム以内に下がらない、しかし、請願者は、それが均等論のもとでそれが侵害するほど、よく似たと主張する。

SMC contends that Festo is estopped from making this argument because of the prosecution history of its patents. The sealing rings and the magnetized alloy in the Festo product were both disclosed for the first time in the amended applications. In SMCs view, these amendments narrowed the earlier applications, surrendering alternatives that are the very points of difference in the competing devicesthe sealing rings and the type of alloy used to make the sleeve. As Festo narrowed its claims in these ways in order to obtain the patents, says SMC, Festo is now estopped from saying that these features are immaterial and that SMCs device is an equivalent of its own.


The United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts disagreed. It held that Festos amendments were not made to avoid prior art, and therefore the amendments were not the kind that give rise to estoppel. A panel of the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit affirmed. 72 F.3d 857 (1995). We granted certiorari, vacated, and remanded in light of our intervening decision in Warner-Jenkinson v. Hilton Davis Chemical Co., 520 U.S. 17 (1997). After a decision by the original panel on remand, 172 F.3d 1361 (1999), the Court of Appeals ordered rehearing en banc to address questions that had divided its judges since our decision in Warner-Jenkinson. 187 F.3d 1381 (1999).

 マサチューセッツ地方裁判所は、意見が異なった。Festoの補正は先行技術を避けるためのものではなかった、そして、それゆえに、同補正は禁反言を引き起こすものではない、とした。連邦巡回区控訴裁判所のパネルは、これを認めた。72のF.3d 857(1995)。我々は、(空けられて、そしてWarner-Jenkinson v.ヒルトン・デイビス化学物質社で我々の間にはいっている決定から見て再拘留された)certiorariに520アメリカ合衆国を許した。17(1997)。再拘留、172 F.3dの元のパネルによる決定の後で、1361(1999)、控訴院は、en bancを再審理することにWarner-Jenkinsonで我々の決定以来その裁判官を分けた質問に話をするよう命令した。187のF.3d 1381(1999)。

The en banc court reversed, holding that prosecution history estoppel barred Festo from asserting that the accused device infringed its patents under the doctrine of equivalents. 234 F.3d 558 (2000). The court held, with only one judge dissenting, that estoppel arises from any amendment that narrows a claim to comply with the Patent Act, not only from amendments made to avoid prior art. Id., at 566. More controversial in the Court of Appeals was its further holding: When estoppel applies, it stands as a complete bar against any claim of equivalence for the element that was amended. Id., at 574575. The court acknowledged that its own prior case law did not go so far. Previous decisions had held that prosecution history estoppel constituted a flexible bar, foreclosing some, but not all, claims of equivalence, depending on the purpose of the amendment and the alterations in the text. The court concluded, however, that its precedents applying the flexible-bar rule should be overruled because this case-by-case approach has proved unworkable. In the courts view a complete-bar rule, under which estoppel bars all claims of equivalence to the narrowed element, would promote certainty in the determination of infringement cases.

 その出願経過禁反言を均等論のもとで告発されている装置がその特許を侵害したことを主張することからFestoを禁止されたままにしておいて、en banc裁判所は逆回転した。234のF.3d 558(2000)。裁判所は保持した、唯一のもの裁判官が意見を異にしているままにして、566で、その禁反言は、修正からのみ事前の品物アイダホを避けさせられなかった特許行為に応ずるためにクレームを狭くするどんな修正から起こる。控訴院で論争を呼ぶより多くは、そのそれ以上の保持だった:禁反言が適合するときに、それは、改められた要素のために同等のどんなクレームに対して完全なバーとして立つ。アイダホ、574575で。裁判所は、それ自身の事前の判例法がとても遠くへ行かなかったことを認めた。前の決定は、テキストで修正と変更の目的によって、いくらかの人、(しかしすべて、同等の要求ではない)を奪って、その出願経過禁反言を融通がきくバーを構成されたままにしておいた。裁判所は、このケース・バイ・ケースの接近が実行できそうにないことがわかったので、融通がきくバーの命令を適用しているその先例が覆されるとしかし、結論を下した。裁判所眺めで、それの下に禁反言が狭くされた要素に同等のすべての要求を禁止する完全なバーの命令は、侵害事例の決心で確実性を促進するだろう。

Four judges dissented from the decision to adopt a complete bar. Id., at 562. In four separate opinions, the dissenters argued that the majoritys decision to overrule precedent was contrary to Warner-Jenkinson and would unsettle the expectations of many existing patentees. Judge Michel, in his dissent, described in detail how the complete bar required the Court of Appeals to disregard 8 older decisions of this Court, as well as more than 50 of its own cases. 234 F.3d, at 601616.

 4人の裁判官は、完全なバーを採用するという決定から意見を異にした。アイダホ、562で。4つの別々の意見で、反対者は、先例を覆す多数決がWarner-Jenkinsonに反したということについて議論して、そして多くの生存する特許権所有者の予期を動揺させるだろう。彼の不同意のミチェル裁判官は、詳細にどのように完全なバーが控訴院に50件のそれ自身の事例以上と同様に、8回のこの裁判所のより古い決定を無視するように要求したかについて述べた。234 F.3d、601616で。

We granted certiorari. 533 U.S. 915 (2001).
我々はcertiorariを許した。533 U.S. 915 (2001).


The patent laws promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts by rewarding innovation with a temporary monopoly. U.S. Const., Art. I, 8, cl. 8. The monopoly is a property right; and like any property right, its boundaries should be clear. This clarity is essential to promote progress, because it enables efficient investment in innovation. A patent holder should know what he owns, and the public should know what he does not. For this reason, the patent laws require inventors to describe their work in full, clear, concise, and exact terms, 35 U.S.C. 112, as part of the delicate balance the law attempts to maintain between inventors, who rely on the promise of the law to bring the invention forth, and the public, which should be encouraged to pursue innovations, creations, and new ideas beyond the inventors exclusive rights. Bonito Boats, Inc. v. Thunder Craft Boats, Inc., 489 U.S. 141, 150 (1989).

 特許法は、一時の独占で科学の進歩と有益な革新による役に立つ芸術を促進する。アメリカ合衆国Const。品物。I、8、cl。8. 独占は、財産所有権だ;そして、どんな財産所有権のように、その境界ははっきりすべきだった。この明快さは、それが能率的な革新への投資を可能にするので、進歩を促進するのが必須だ。特許ホルダーは、彼が何を所有するかを知っているべきだ、そして、公衆は、彼が何をしないかを知っているべきだ。この理由で、特許法は、発明者に満ちている、はっきりした、簡潔な、そして正確な開廷期間、35 U.S.Cで彼らの仕事について述べるように要求する。デリケートの一部としての112は、発明を生むために法律の約束に頼る発明者と公衆の間に維持するべき法律試みと釣り合いをとる、そして、それは革新、創造物を追うために励まされるべきだ、と新しい考えを越えてその発明者独占権。鰹ボート社v.サンダー飛行機ボート社、489アメリカ合衆国。141、150(1989)。

Unfortunately, the nature of language makes it impossible to capture the essence of a thing in a patent application. The inventor who chooses to patent an invention and disclose it to the public, rather than exploit it in secret, bears the risk that others will devote their efforts toward exploiting the limits of the patents language:


An invention exists most importantly as a tangible structure or a series of drawings. A verbal portrayal is usually an afterthought written to satisfy the requirements of patent law. This conversion of machine to words allows for unintended idea gaps which cannot be satisfactorily filled. Often the invention is novel and words do not exist to describe it. The dictionary does not always keep abreast of the inventor. It cannot. Things are not made for the sake of words, but words for things. Autogiro Co. of America v. United States, 384 F.2d 391, 397 (Ct. Cl. 1967).

 発明は、引出しの感知できる構造または連続として最も重要なことに存在する。言葉の描写は、大概特許法律の要求と納得させるのが書かれた後からの思いつきだ。語への機械のこの交換は、満足に満たされたはずがない故意でない考えギャップを考慮に入れる。しばしば、発明は、小説と語がそれについて述べるために存在しないということだ。辞書は、必ずしも発明者に精通しない。それはできない。物は、物のために語、しかし語のために作られない。アメリカ合衆国v.アメリカ合衆国、384 F.2d 391のオートジャイロ社、397(Ct。cl。1967)。

The language in the patent claims may not capture every nuance of the invention or describe with complete precision the range of its novelty. If patents were always interpreted by their literal terms, their value would be greatly diminished. Unimportant and insubstantial substitutes for certain elements could defeat the patent, and its value to inventors could be destroyed by simple acts of copying. For this reason, the clearest rule of patent interpretation, literalism, may conserve judicial resources but is not necessarily the most efficient rule. The scope of a patent is not limited to its literal terms but instead embraces all equivalents to the claims described. See Winans v. Denmead, 15 How. 330, 347 (1854).


It is true that the doctrine of equivalents renders the scope of patents less certain. It may be difficult to determine what is, or is not, an equivalent to a particular element of an invention. If competitors cannot be certain about a patents extent, they may be deterred from engaging in legitimate manufactures outside its limits, or they may invest by mistake in competing products that the patent secures. In addition the uncertainty may lead to wasteful litigation between competitors, suits that a rule of literalism might avoid. These concerns with the doctrine of equivalents, however, are not new. Each time the Court has considered the doctrine, it has acknowledged this uncertainty as the price of ensuring the appropriate incentives for innovation, and it has affirmed the doctrine over dissents that urged a more certain rule. When the Court in Winans v. Denmead, supra, first adopted what has become the doctrine of equivalents, it stated that [t]he exclusive right to the thing patented is not secured, if the public are at liberty to make substantial copies of it, varying its form or proportions. Id., at 343. The dissent argued that the Court had sacrificed the objective of [f]ul[l]ness, clearness, exactness, preciseness, and particularity, in the description of the invention. Id., at 347 (opinion of Campbell, J.).


The debate continued in Graver Tank & Mfg. Co. v. Linde Air Products Co., 339 U.S. 605 (1950), where the Court reaffirmed the doctrine. Graver Tank held that patent claims must protect the inventor not only from those who produce devices falling within the literal claims of the patent but also from copyists who make unimportant and insubstantial changes and substitutions in the patent which, though adding nothing, would be enough to take the copied matter outside the claim, and hence outside the reach of law. Id., at 607. Justice Black, in dissent, objected that under the doctrine of equivalents a competitor cannot rely on what the language of a patent claims. He must be able, at the peril of heavy infringement damages, to forecast how far a court relatively unversed in a particular technological field will expand the claims language . Id., at 617.

 討論は、Graver Tank & Mfg. Co. v. Linde Air Products Co., 339 U.S. 605 (1950) で続いたが、裁判所は均等論を再確認した。Graver Tank は、特許クレームは、 特許の文字のクレーム以内に下がっている装置を生じる人たちからだけでなく、重要でないまた実体がない変化を作る写字者から発明者を保護しなくてはいけないタンクが収容した彫刻師と、何も加えないにもかかわらず、クレームの外で、とこれから法律の区域の外にコピーされた事柄を取るのに十分だろう特許の代替。アイダホ、607で。不同意の黒人裁判官は、均等論のもとで、競争相手が特許の言葉が主張するものに頼ることができないと言って反対した。どのくらい遠く比較的特定の科学技術のフィールドで熟達していない裁判所がクレーム言葉を拡張するだろうかと予測するために、彼はできなくてはいけない、重い侵害損害賠償の危険で、アイダホ、617で。

Most recently, in Warner-Jenkinson, the Court reaffirmed that equivalents remain a firmly entrenched part of the settled rights protected by the patent. A unanimous opinion concluded that if the doctrine is to be discarded, it is Congress and not the Court that should do so:


[T]he lengthy history of the doctrine of equivalents strongly supports adherence to our refusal in Graver Tank to find that the Patent Act conflicts with that doctrine. Congress can legislate the doctrine of equivalents out of existence any time it chooses. The various policy arguments now made by both sides are thus best addressed to Congress, not this Court. 520 U.S., at 28.

 均等論の非常に長い歴史は、特許法が均等論と衝突するとの見解を我々は Graver Tank において否定したことに執着することを、強く支持ずるものである。議会は、そうしたいのであればいつでも、均等論の存在を法律で否定することができる。両方の側によって今された様々な政策議論は、当裁判所ではなく議会に対して話されるべきである。520 U.S., at 28.


Prosecution history estoppel requires that the claims of a patent be interpreted in light of the proceedings in the PTO during the application process. Estoppel is a rule of patent construction that ensures that claims are interpreted by reference to those that have been cancelled or rejected. Schriber-Schroth Co. v. Cleveland Trust Co., 311 U.S. 211, 220221 (1940). The doctrine of equivalents allows the patentee to claim those insubstantial alterations that were not captured in drafting the original patent claim but which could be created through trivial changes. When, however, the patentee originally claimed the subject matter alleged to infringe but then narrowed the claim in response to a rejection, he may not argue that the surrendered territory comprised unforeseen subject matter that should be deemed equivalent to the literal claims of the issued patent. On the contrary, [b]y the amendment [the patentee] recognized and emphasized the difference between the two phrases[,] and [t]he difference which [the patentee] thus disclaimed must be regarded as material. Exhibit Supply Co. v. Ace Patents Corp., 315 U.S. 126, 136137 (1942).


A rejection indicates that the patent examiner does not believe the original claim could be patented. While the patentee has the right to appeal, his decision to forgo an appeal and submit an amended claim is taken as a concession that the invention as patented does not reach as far as the original claim. See Goodyear Dental Vulcanite Co. v. Davis, 102 U.S. 222, 228 (1880) (In view of [the amendment] there can be no doubt of what [the patentee] understood he had patented, and that both he and the commissioner regarded the patent to be for a manufacture made exclusively of vulcanites by the detailed process); Wang Laboratories, Inc. v. Mitsubishi Electronics America, Inc., 103 F.3d 1571, 15771578 (CA Fed. 1997) (Prosecution history estoppel preclud[es] a patentee from regaining, through litigation, coverage of subject matter relinquished during prosecution of the application for the patent). Were it otherwise, the inventor might avoid the PTOs gatekeeping role and seek to recapture in an infringement action the very subject matter surrendered as a condition of receiving the patent.

 拒絶は、特許審査官が元のクレームが特許を得られるとは信じないことを示す。特許権所有者が懇願する権利がある間、懇願を断念して、そして改められたクレームを提出する彼の決定が譲歩として取られるその特許をとられた雌としての発明原型が主張するのと同じほど遠い区域ではない。グッドイヤー歯音Vulcanite社v世を参照してください。デイビス、102アメリカ合衆国。222、228(1880)(詳細な過程によって[修正]から考えて、[特許権所有者]、彼は特許をとり、そして、彼および委員の両方が製造のためにある特許をみなしたことがvulcanitesをそこだけで理解したと理解したもののいかなる疑いもあることができない);ワン実験室社v.三菱エレクトロニック・アメリカ社、103 F.3d 1571、15771578(CAは食べた。1997)(主題の取り返すことからの特許権所有者、訴訟を通して、適用範囲が特許のために申し込みの起訴の間に捨てた出願経過禁反言preclud[es])。それが別なら、発明者は、まさにその主題が特許を受けることの状態として引き渡した侵害活動でPTOs gatekeeping役割を避けて、そして奪い返そうとするだろう。

Prosecution history estoppel ensures that the doctrine of equivalents remains tied to its underlying purpose. Where the original application once embraced the purported equivalent but the patentee narrowed his claims to obtain the patent or to protect its validity, the patentee cannot assert that he lacked the words to describe the subject matter in question. The doctrine of equivalents is premised on languages inability to capture the essence of innovation, but a prior application describing the precise element at issue undercuts that premise. In that instance the prosecution history has established that the inventor turned his attention to the subject matter in question, knew the words for both the broader and narrower claim, and affirmatively chose the latter.



The first question in this case concerns the kinds of amendments that may give rise to estoppel. Petitioner argues that estoppel should arise when amendments are intended to narrow the subject matter of the patented invention, for instance, amendments to avoid prior art, but not when the amendments are made to comply with requirements concerning the form of the patent application. In Warner-Jenkinson we recognized that prosecution history estoppel does not arise in every instance when a patent application is amended. Our prior cases have consistently applied prosecution history estoppel only where claims have been amended for a limited set of reasons, such as to avoid the prior art, or otherwise to address a specific concernsuch as obviousnessthat arguably would have rendered the claimed subject matter unpatentable. 520 U.S., at 3032. While we made clear that estoppel applies to amendments made for a substantial reason related to patentability, id., at 33, we did not purport to define that term or to catalog every reason that might raise an estoppel. Indeed, we stated that even if the amendments purpose were unrelated to patentability, the court might consider whether it was the kind of reason that nonetheless might require resort to the estoppel doctrine. Id., at 4041.


Petitioner is correct that estoppel has been discussed most often in the context of amendments made to avoid the prior art. See Exhibit Supply Co., supra, at 137; Keystone Driller Co. v. Northwest Engineering Corp., 294 U.S. 42, 48 (1935). Amendment to accommodate prior art was the emphasis, too, of our decision in Warner-Jenkinson, supra, at 30. It does not follow, however, that amendments for other purposes will not give rise to estoppel. Prosecution history may rebut the inference that a thing not described was indescribable. That rationale does not cease simply because the narrowing amendment, submitted to secure a patent, was for some purpose other than avoiding prior art.


We agree with the Court of Appeals that a narrowing amendment made to satisfy any requirement of the Patent Act may give rise to an estoppel. As that court explained, a number of statutory requirements must be satisfied before a patent can issue. The claimed subject matter must be useful, novel, and not obvious. 35 U.S.C. 101103 (1994 ed. and Supp. V). In addition, the patent application must describe, enable, and set forth the best mode of carrying out the invention. 112 (1994 ed.). These latter requirements must be satisfied before issuance of the patent, for exclusive patent rights are given in exchange for disclosing the invention to the public. See Bonito Boats, 489 U.S., at 150151. What is claimed by the patent application must be the same as what is disclosed in the specification; otherwise the patent should not issue. The patent also should not issue if the other requirements of 112 are not satisfied, and an applicants failure to meet these requirements could lead to the issued patent being held invalid in later litigation.

 我々は、狭くなっている修正が納得させたのである始める控訴院で、特許行為のどんなクレームも禁反言を引き起こすかもしれないということに意見が一致する。その裁判所が説明したので、特許が出ることができる前に、多くの法定のクレームは、納得させられなくてはいけない。クレームされた主題は、役に立って、新しくて、そして明らかでなくてはいけない。35 U.S.C。101103(1994年のed。とSupp。Vネックシャツ)。さらに、特許申し込みは、発明品を運び出すことのさきへ最もよい方法を述べて、可能にして、そしてセットしなくてはいけない。112(1994年のed。)。これらの後のクレームは、特許の発行の前に満足していなくてはいけない、なぜなら、排他的な特許権は、公衆への発明を明らかにすることと交換に与えられる。鰹がボートを漕ぐのを見よ、489の150151のアメリカ合衆国。特許申し込みによってクレームされるものは、仕様で明らかにされるものと同じでなくてはいけない;そうでないときは、特許は出るべきでない。もし112のその他のクレームが納得させられなければ、特許は、また出るべきでない、そして、これらのクレームを満たす志願者失敗は、もっと遅い訴訟で保持された病弱者でいる出された特許をもたらすかもしれない。

Petitioner contends that amendments made to comply with 112 concern the form of the application and not the subject matter of the invention. The PTO might require the applicant to clarify an ambiguous term, to improve the translation of a foreign word, or to rewrite a dependent claim as an independent one. In these cases, petitioner argues, the applicant has no intention of surrendering subject matter and should not be estopped from challenging equivalent devices. While this may be true in some cases, petitioners argument conflates the patentees reason for making the amendment with the impact the amendment has on the subject matter.


Estoppel arises when an amendment is made to secure the patent and the amendment narrows the patents scope. If a 112 amendment is truly cosmetic, then it would not narrow the patents scope or raise an estoppel. On the other hand, if a 112 amendment is necessary and narrows the patents scopeeven if only for the purpose of better descriptionestoppel may apply. A patentee who narrows a claim as a condition for obtaining a patent disavows his claim to the broader subject matter, whether the amendment was made to avoid the prior art or to comply with 112. We must regard the patentee as having conceded an inability to claim the broader subject matter or at least as having abandoned his right to appeal a rejection. In either case estoppel may apply.



Petitioner concedes that the limitations at issuethe sealing rings and the composition of the sleevewere made for reasons related to 112, if not also to avoid the prior art. Our conclusion that prosecution history estoppel arises when a claim is narrowed to comply with 112 gives rise to the second question presented: Does the estoppel bar the inventor from asserting infringement against any equivalent to the narrowed element or might some equivalents still infringe? The Court of Appeals held that prosecution history estoppel is a complete bar, and so the narrowed element must be limited to its strict literal terms. Based upon its experience the Court of Appeals decided that the flexible-bar rule is unworkable because it leads to excessive uncertainty and burdens legitimate innovation. For the reasons that follow, we disagree with the decision to adopt the complete bar.


Though prosecution history estoppel can bar challenges to a wide range of equivalents, its reach requires an examination of the subject matter surrendered by the narrowing amendment. The complete bar avoids this inquiry by establishing a per se rule; but that approach is inconsistent with the purpose of applying the estoppel in the first placeto hold the inventor to the representations made during the application process and to the inferences that may reasonably be drawn from the amendment. By amending the application, the inventor is deemed to concede that the patent does not extend as far as the original claim. It does not follow, however, that the amended claim becomes so perfect in its description that no one could devise an equivalent. After amendment, as before, language remains an imperfect fit for invention. The narrowing amendment may demonstrate what the claim is not; but it may still fail to capture precisely what the claim is. There is no reason why a narrowing amendment should be deemed to relinquish equivalents unforeseeable at the time of the amendment and beyond a fair interpretation of what was surrendered. Nor is there any call to foreclose claims of equivalence for aspects of the invention that have only a peripheral relation to the reason the amendment was submitted. The amendment does not show that the inventor suddenly had more foresight in the drafting of claims than an inventor whose application was granted without amendments having been submitted. It shows only that he was familiar with the broader text and with the difference between the two. As a result, there is no more reason for holding the patentee to the literal terms of an amended claim than there is for abolishing the doctrine of equivalents altogether and holding every patentee to the literal terms of the patent.


This view of prosecution history estoppel is consistent with our precedents and respectful of the real practice before the PTO. While this Court has not weighed the merits of the complete bar against the flexible bar in its prior cases, we have consistently applied the doctrine in a flexible way, not a rigid one. We have considered what equivalents were surrendered during the prosecution of the patent, rather than imposing a complete bar that resorts to the very literalism the equivalents rule is designed to overcome. E.g., Goodyear Dental Vulcanite Co., 102 U.S., at 230; Hurlbut v. Schillinger, 130 U.S. 456, 465 (1889).


The Court of Appeals ignored the guidance of Warner-Jenkinson, which instructed that courts must be cautious before adopting changes that disrupt the settled expectations of the inventing community. See 520 U.S., at 28. In that case we made it clear that the doctrine of equivalents and the rule of prosecution history estoppel are settled law. The responsibility for changing them rests with Congress. Ibid. Fundamental alterations in these rules risk destroying the legitimate expectations of inventors in their property. The petitioner in Warner-Jenkinson requested another bright-line rule that would have provided more certainty in determining when estoppel applies but at the cost of disrupting the expectations of countless existing patent holders. We rejected that approach: To change so substantially the rules of the game now could very well subvert the various balances the PTO sought to strike when issuing the numerous patents which have not yet expired and which would be affected by our decision. Id., at 32, n.6; see also id., at 41 (Ginsburg, J., concurring) (The new presumption, if applied woodenly, might in some instances unfairly discount the expectations of a patentee who had no notice at the time of patent prosecution that such a presumption would apply). As Warner-Jenkinson recognized, patent prosecution occurs in the light of our case law. Inventors who amended their claims under the previous regime had no reason to believe they were conceding all equivalents. If they had known, they might have appealed the rejection instead. There is no justification for applying a new and more robust estoppel to those who relied on prior doctrine.


In Warner-Jenkinson we struck the appropriate balance by placing the burden on the patentee to show that an amendment was not for purposes of patentability:


Where no explanation is established, however, the court should presume that the patent application had a substantial reason related to patentability for including the limiting element added by amendment. In those circumstances, prosecution history estoppel would bar the application of the doctrine of equivalents as to that element. Id., at 33.

 いかなる説明も確立されない場合には、しかしながら、裁判所は、補正によって加えられた制限要素を含めしめるについて、特許出願が特許性に関する実質的な理由を持っていたことを仮定すべきである。それらの状況下では、出願経過禁反言は、その要素に均等論を当てはめることを禁止するだろう。同前 at 33。

When the patentee is unable to explain the reason for amendment, estoppel not only applies but also bar[s] the application of the doctrine of equivalents as to that element. Ibid. These words do not mandate a complete bar; they are limited to the circumstance where no explanation is established. They do provide, however, that when the court is unable to determine the purpose underlying a narrowing amendmentand hence a rationale for limiting the estoppel to the surrender of particular equivalentsthe court should presume that the patentee surrendered all subject matter between the broader and the narrower language.

 特許権所有者が補正の理由を説明することができないときには、禁反言が適用され、さらに、その要素については均等論の適用が排除(bar)される。同前。これらの語(words)は、完全阻却(complete bar)を必然的に命じるものではない; それらは、いかなる説明も確立されない場合に制限されている。それらは、 本当に、裁判所が下に横たわる目的を決めることができないときに禁反言を特定のequivalentstheの降参に制限するための論理的根拠が機嫌を伺うこれからamendmentandを狭くすることが特許権所有者がより幅が広い方とより狭い言葉の間にすべての主題を引き渡したことを仮定することをしかし、提供する。

Just as Warner-Jenkinson held that the patentee bears the burden of proving that an amendment was not made for a reason that would give rise to estoppel, we hold here that the patentee should bear the burden of showing that the amendment does not surrender the particular equivalent in question. This is the approach advocated by the United States, see Brief for United States as Amicus Curiae 2228, and we regard it to be sound. The patentee, as the author of the claim language, may be expected to draft claims encompassing readily known equivalents. A patentees decision to narrow his claims through amendment may be presumed to be a general disclaimer of the territory between the original claim and the amended claim. Exhibit Supply, 315 U.S., at 136137 (By the amendment [the patentee] recognized and emphasized the difference between the two phrases and proclaimed his abandonment of all that is embraced in that difference). There are some cases, however, where the amendment cannot reasonably be viewed as surrendering a particular equivalent. The equivalent may have been unforeseeable at the time of the application; the rationale underlying the amendment may bear no more than a tangential relation to the equivalent in question; or there may be some other reason suggesting that the patentee could not reasonably be expected to have described the insubstantial substitute in question. In those cases the patentee can overcome the presumption that prosecution history estoppel bars a finding of equivalence.

 ちょうど禁反言を引き起こすだろう特許権所有者がある理由で修正がされなかったことを証明することの重荷を負う保持されたWarner-Jenkinsonとして、我々が特許権所有者が質問で修正が特定の同等を引き渡さないことを示すことの重荷を負うべきここにを占領する。これは、アメリカ合衆国によって支持された接近だ、アメリカ合衆国のための概要をAmicus Curiae 2228と考えよ、そうすれば我々は、健全なためにそれをみなす。クレーム言葉の作者としての特許権所有者は、快く知られていた同等を取り囲んでいるクレームを起草すると予想されているかもしれない。彼のものを狭くするという決定が修正を通してクレームする特許権所有者は、元のクレームと改められたクレームの間に領土の一般の否認だと仮定されるかもしれない。136137で供給、315アメリカ合衆国、を出品せよ(修正によって、[特許権所有者]が2つの言い回し間の違いを認めて強調してそしてその違いで抱きしめられるすべてのことの彼の放棄を宣言した)。修正が特定の同等を引き渡すことと合理的に考えることができないいくつかの事例、しかしながら、がある。同等は、申し込みの時には予知できなかったかもしれない;修正が問題の接線の同等との関係以下を産むかもしれない下に横たわる論理的根拠;あるいは、何か別の特許権所有者が合理的にそうすることが予想されないかもしれないことを示唆することが問題の実体がない代理人について述べた理由があるかもしれない。それらの事例で、特許権所有者は、その出願経過禁反言が同等の発見を禁止する推定に打ち勝つことができる。

This presumption is not, then, just the complete bar by another name. Rather, it reflects the fact that the interpretation of the patent must begin with its literal claims, and the prosecution history is relevant to construing those claims. When the patentee has chosen to narrow a claim, courts may presume the amended text was composed with awareness of this rule and that the territory surrendered is not an equivalent of the territory claimed. In those instances, however, the patentee still might rebut the presumption that estoppel bars a claim of equivalence. The patentee must show that at the time of the amendment one skilled in the art could not reasonably be expected to have drafted a claim that would have literally encompassed the alleged equivalent.



On the record before us, we cannot say petitioner has rebutted the presumptions that estoppel applies and that the equivalents at issue have been surrendered. Petitioner concedes that the limitations at issuethe sealing rings and the composition of the sleevewere made in response to a rejection for reasons under 112, if not also because of the prior art references. As the amendments were made for a reason relating to patentability, the question is not whether estoppel applies but what territory the amendments surrendered. While estoppel does not effect a complete bar, the question remains whether petitioner can demonstrate that the narrowing amendments did not surrender the particular equivalents at issue. On these questions, respondents may well prevail, for the sealing rings and the composition of the sleeve both were noted expressly in the prosecution history. These matters, however, should be determined in the first instance by further proceedings in the Court of Appeals or the District Court.


The judgment of the Federal Circuit is vacated, and the case is remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.



It is so ordered.

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